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Upgrade To A Premium Art Canvas

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Select a background after purchase
We have 50+ backgrounds available.

Real Artists

Free Unlimited Revisions

Love Your Art Guarantee

Worldwide Shipping Available

How To Order

  1. Place your order
  2. We will email you a preview of your most recent artwork
  3. You can request a different background or artwork from a different order (We need the email address, order number, or full name from the order in which you would like to use the artwork)

This is our special gift to you!

As a cherished customer of Pet Creations, we’ve created a special offer to you full of MASSIVE savings over our regular prices.

How it works


Upload your pet photo

Choose your favorite pet photo(s).

Photo Guide >

Approve art

Approve your art or request any changes, free of charge!

Custom Order Dashboard >

Show off your art

We'll print and ship it to your door! (5-7 days)

Share Now >

Meet Sallie & Sophia!

We will hand-draw each pet with love, care and attention, capturing the personality of your pet in a style that you always loved.


Why choose us?

Printed Locally

Our canvases are fulfilled locally in the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, New Zealand, Norway, Austria, Finland, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Singapore & more! This means shorter waiting times for you!

Free Unlimited Revisions

We email you a preview once your art is ready for your approval, and you can request any changes, free of charge! We only print it when you love it!

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Sophia and I will work with you until you are 100% happy with your art. If you're totally satisfied, we won't stop until you're 110% satisfied with your art.

Upgrade To A Premium Art Canvas